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Saturday, August 22, 2020
Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser Free Essays
Scoring Your Test From the SAT Preparation Bookletâ„ ¢ The materials in these documents are planned for singular use by understudies preparing to take a SAT Program test; consent for some other utilize must be looked for from the SAT ® Program. Schools (state-endorsed or potentially certify certificate giving optional schools) may replicate them, in entire or to a limited extent, in constrained amounts, for eye to eye direction/instructing purposes however may not mass disperse the materials, electronically or something else. These materials and any duplicates of them may not be sold, and the copyright sees must be held as they appar here. We will compose a custom paper test on Inexpensive Food Nation by Eric Schlosser or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now This authorization doesn't matter to any outsider copyrights contained thus. The College Board: Connecting Students to College Success The College Board is a not-revenue driven enrollment affiliation whose crucial to interface understudies to school achievement and opportunity. Established in 1900, the affiliation is made out of in excess of 5,700 schools, universities, colleges, and other instructive associations. Every year, the College Board serves more than 7,000,000 understudies and their folks, 23,000 secondary schools, and 3,800 universities through significant projects and administrations in school confirmations, direction, evaluation, budgetary guide, enlistment, and instructing and learning. Among its most popular projects are the SAT ®, the PSAT/NMSQT ®, and the Advanced Placement Programâ ® (AP ®). The College Board is focused on the standards of greatness and value, and that dedication is exemplified in the entirety of its projects, administrations, exercises, and concerns. For additional data, visit www. collegeboard. com.  © 2010 The College Board. All rights held. School Board, Advanced Placement Program, AP, SAT, and the oak seed logo are enrolled trademarks of the College Board. interface with school achievement, SAT Preparation Booklet, SAT Reasoning Test, SAT Subject Tests, The Official SAT Study Guide, and The Official SAT Online Course are trademarks possessed by the College Board. PSAT/NMSQT is an enlisted trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. Every other item and administrations might be trademarks of their separate proprietors. Visit the College Board on the Web: www. collegeboard. com. Right Answers and Difficulty Levels for the Official SAT Practice Test Get a score report and answer clarifications! Enter your answers online at collegeboard. com/satpracticetest. 72 Getting Ready for the SAT  © 2005 The College Board Scoring the Of? cial SAT Practice Test To have your score determined consequently, go to www. collegeboard. com/satpracticetest. You’ll get: †¢ An itemized score report †¢ Answer clarifications To compute your score on paper, check your reactions with the right answers on page 72. Fill in the spaces underneath and do the figurings to get your science, basic perusing, and composing crude scores. Utilize the tables on pages 75â€76 to locate your scaled scores. What number of various decision science questions did you get off-base? Area 2: Questions 1â€20 Section 6: Questions 1â€8 Total + = (B) Section 8: Questions 1â€16 + ? 0. 25 = Aâ€B = Mathematics Raw Score Round the science crude score to the closest entire number. Get Your Critical Reading Score what number basic perusing questions did you get right? Segment 3: Questions 1â€24 Section 7: Questions 1â€24 + Section 9: Questions 1â€19 + Total = (A) Use the table on page 75 to discover your science scaled score. Get Your Writing Score What number of various decision composing questions did you get right? Area 5: Questions 1â€35 Section 10: Questions 1â€14 + Total = (A) what number basic perusing questions did you get off-base? Area 3: Questions 1â€24 Section 7: Questions 1â€24 + Section 9: Questions 1â€19 + Total = (B) what number various decision composing questions did you get off-base? Area 5: Questions 1â€35 Section 10: Questions 1â€14 + Total = (B) ? 0. 25 = Aâ€B= Critical Reading Raw Score Round the basic perusing crude score to the closest entire number. ? 0. 25 = Aâ€B = Writing Multiple-Choice Raw Score Round the composing numerous decision crude score to the closest entire number. C) Use the table on page 75 to locate your basic perusing scaled score. Get Your Mathematics Score what number science questions did you get right? Segment 2: Questions 1â€20 Section 6: Questions 1â€18 + Section 8: Questions 1â€16 + Total = (A) Use the table on page 75 to discover your composi ng different decision scaled score. Gauge your exposition score utilizing the Essay Scoring Guide on page 73. ?2= (D) Use the table on page 76, your numerous decision crude score (C), and your exposition score (D) to discover your composing composite scaled score. 74 Getting Ready for the SAT  © 2005 The College Board SAT Score Conversion Table Most of article perusers show English, structure, or language expressions courses. Each article is scored freely by two perusers on a size of 1 to 6, with 6 being the most elevated score. The consolidated score for the two perusers will go from 2 to 12. In the event that the two readers’ scores are more than one point separated, a third peruser settle the error. In scoring the expositions, perusers follow the scoring guide beneath. The scoring guide depicts the highlights normally found in papers at each score point, including basic reasoning, improvement, association, language use, and sentence structure. An understudy can get a top score on the article even with minor blunders in language structure, utilization, and mechanics. The SAT paper neither prizes nor punishes conventional ways to deal with composing, for example, the five-section exposition. There is no recipe for compelling composition, no single most ideal approach to impart a thought. Any article that highlights away from of thinking, proper decisions of proof, sufficient improvement of thoughts, powerful association, and exact utilization of language will get a high score, paying little mind to style or approach. Perusers are prepared to perceive and compensate a wide assortment of articles at each score point. SAT ESSAY Scoring Guide SCORE OF 6 An article in this class shows clear and predictable authority, despite the fact that it might have a couple of minor mistakes. An average paper †¢ adequately and keenly builds up a perspective on the issue and shows exceptional basic reasoning, utilizing unmistakably fitting models, reasons, and other proof to help its position †¢ is efficient and plainly engaged, showing away from and smooth movement of thoughts †¢ displays dexterous utilization of language, utilizing a fluctuated, exact, and able jargon †¢ exhibits important assortment in sentence structure †¢ is liberated from most blunders in punctuation, use, and mechanics SCORE OF 5 An exposition in this classification exhibits sensibly predictable authority, despite the fact that it will have incidental mistakes or slips by in quality. A run of the mill article SCORE OF 4 An exposition in this classification exhibits satisfactory authority, despite the fact that it will have passes in quality. A normal exposition successfully builds up a perspective on the †¢ builds up a perspective on the issue and issue and shows solid basic reasoning, exhibits capable basic reasoning, by and large utilizing suitable models, reasons, utilizing sufficient models, reasons, and other and other proof to help its position proof to help its position †¢ is efficient and centered, showing cognizance and movement of thoughts †¢ displays office in the utilization of language, utilizing fitting jargon †¢ shows assortment in sentence structure †¢ is commonly liberated from most blunders in punctuation, use, and mechanics †¢ is commonly sorted out and centered, exhibiting some intelligence and movement of thoughts †¢ shows satisfactory however conflicting office in the utilization of language, utilizing commonly proper jargon †¢ exhibits some assortment in sentence structure †¢ has a few mistakes in syntax, use, and mechanics SCORE OF 3 A paper in this class exhibits creating authority, and is set apart by ONE OR MORE of the accompanying shortcomings: †¢ builds up a perspective on the issue, exhibiting some basic reasoning, however may do so conflictingly or utilize deficient models, reasons, or other proof to help its position †¢ is restricted in its association or center, or may show a few passes in soundness or movement of thoughts †¢ shows creating office in the utilization of language, yet some of the time utilizes frail jargon or unseemly word decision †¢ needs assortment or shows issues in sentence structure †¢ contains a collection of mistakes in syntax, use, and mechanics SCORE OF 2 A paper in this classification shows little authority, and is imperfect by ONE OR MORE of the accompanying shortcomings: †¢ builds up a perspective on the issue that is ambiguous or truly constrained, and shows powerless basic reasoning, giving wrong or inadequate models, reasons, or other proof to help its position An exposition in this class exhibits next to no or no dominance, and is seriously imperfect by ONE OR MORE of the accompanying shortcomings: †¢ builds up no practical perspective on the issue, or gives almost no proof to help its position †¢ is ineffectively composed or potentially engaged, or †¢ is muddled or unfocused, bringing about a disconnected or confused article shows difficult issues with lucidness or movement of thoughts †¢ shows almost no office in the utilization of language, utilizing exceptionally restricted jargon or mistaken word decision †¢ exhibits visit issues in sentence structure †¢ contains blunders in syntax, use, and mechanics so genuine that significance is to some degree clouded  © 2005 The College Board ?
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