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Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Authorship and Date of the Book of Acts - 628 Words
The Authorship and Date of the Book of Acts The book of Acts is a historical narrative of the early history of the Church. As such, the authorship and date can be established by evidence found in the book itself. In addition, outside sources such as other books of the Bible as well as history recorded by other historians of the time supplement the evidence give by the letter itself. According to 2 Timothy 3:16 the original author of the book of Acts is God, however, God did not pen the book himself. A man penned the book as the Spirit of God instructed him. Luke, as the human author, has strong support as the author of Acts given his previous letter he penned to Theophilus about Jesus ministry. The wording in the first chapter of the book of Luke is interesting because not only does Luke address the same man as in the book of Acts, but he also gives a lengthy explanation as to why he is writing the letter. In that letter, Luke wants to compile a narrative about the things accomplishe d by us (Luke 1:1). In verse two of his book, he makes a clear distinction between the disciples who witnessed Jesus ministry and us. Then in verse three Luke takes a step back and tells Theophilus that since he had followed the testimony of Jesus ministry closely, he wished to begin there rather than with his narrative on the things he and the Christians with him had accomplished. So then, where is the fulfillment of what Luke said in Luke 1:1 to Theophilus? The answer would have toShow MoreRelatedCompare and Contrast Hebrews, James, and 1 Peter1210 Words  | 5 Pagesrevelation after Acts would be severely limited by one apostle’s perspective had the writing of these five men been neglected. The following essay will compare and contrast the authorships, dates when written, recipients, and themes from three of the following books: Hebrews, James, and 1 Peter. 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Therefore, the Parliament enacted the first copyrightRead MoreEssay about The Shakespeare Authorship Debate1632 Word s  | 7 PagesThe Shakespeare Authorship Debate Although William Shakespeare is considered to be one of the most revered and well-renowned authors of all time, controversy surrounds the belief that he actually produced his own literary works. Some rumors even go so far as to question the reality of such a one, William Shakespeare, brought on by paralleling the quality of his pieces with his personal background and education. With such farfetched allegations, it persuaded others to peek into the person we allRead MoreWorks Made For Hire : The General Rule Of Copyright Ownership1574 Words  | 7 Pagesimportant to classify a copyright properly. 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It is one of the ten Pauline books, and there are three more books that are possibly Pauline. Galatians
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