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The lawful meaning of noble cause has verifiably been to some degree tricky and stands particular from any comprehension of good cause in a ...
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Death In Stephen Cranes The Blue Hotel Essays - Stephen Crane
Death In Stephen Cranes The Blue Hotel Essays - Stephen Crane Death In Stephen Cranes The Blue Hotel Stephen Crane is a well-known author of variety of short stories. He was born in Newark, New Jersey, the son of a Methodist minister. After schooling at Lafayette College and Syracuse University, he worked in New York as a freelance journalist. His short stories and experimental poetry, also, anticipate the ironic realism of the decades ahead. In his brief and energetic life, he published fourteen books while acting out, in his personal adventures, the legend of the writer as soldier of fortune (741-743). Among one of his works include The Blue Hotel. The novel the Blue Hotel is a novel themed with death. The moment that the Swede arrives at the Blue Hotel it is somehow, in The Swedes mind, transformed into a wild west hotel, by the many dime novels he has read, which made him even more uneasy about staying at the hotel. In one of the initial scenes this fear is evident The Swede answered him swiftly and eagerly: These men are going to kill me.. I know I wont get out of here alive(771). The Swedes fear of dying had made him want to leave the hotel, but Pat Scull, the owner of the Blue Hotel, attempted to get him to stay by showing around the hotel and showing him pictures of his family. Scully shows the Swede some pictures of his children Thats the pitcher of my of my little girl that died. Her name was Carrie. She had the purtiest hair you ever saw! I was that fond of her, she-(773). Cranes use of color in the episode helps to point out the pattern of death. Scully and the Swede first walk into a dark room and while Scully speaks of his deceased daughter the Swede is focusing on the shadows in the darker part of the room. The Swede fears everything in the hotel, so Scully offers him some whiskey, which of course the Swede believes is poisoned. After proving to the Swede the whiskey is fine the Swede take it. The whiskey he gives The Swede does loosen him up. The Swede begins to drink more and more. Soon there after he joins a card game and where he proclaims that Johnie, Scullys son, has been cheating. The Swede feels that the only way to right the wrongs of Johnnies cheating is to fight. Ironically the street is covered in a fine white virgin snow as the spectators chanted kill him Johnnie kill him(780). In this scene the Swede thought that the gang of spectators would kill him, however, Scully made it so that only he and Johnnie would fight. As with most of the novel the Swede was fearful of fighting Johnnie, he feared Johnnie would beat him and he feared that the crowed would kill him. The Swede wins allowing Crane to set up what starts the Swedes death march. Having beaten the hotel owners son the Swede decides to leave. However the Swede, still under the influence of the whiskey, stops at a local saloon where he wants to celebrate with his victory. When he finds that no one will celebrate with him he Grasped the gambler frenziedly at the throat, and was dragging him from his chair. then was seen a long blade in the hand of gambler. It shot forward, and a human body. was pierced as easily as if it had been a melon (786). The Swedes limp body fell to floor beneath the bar where he had been drinking. The theme of death in The Blue Hotel is present throughout the novel. Cranes use of color, character flaws, and plot help strengthen this theme. Crane uses the Swedes fear of death to be his death. Had the Swede not been drinking he more than likely would not have become so aggressive and in turn he would not have started the fight with the gambler that led to his death.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
8 Good Presents for College Students to Give to Mom
8 Good Presents for College Students to Give to Mom Gift-giving occasions like Christmas, Hanukkah and Mothers Day often come at a rough time for college students. They tend to fall at the end of the semester, a time when finals are quickly approaching and funds may be running low. Still, you want to show your mom youre thinking of her and appreciate everything shes done for you. Given those limitations, college students sometimes need to be a little creative when it comes to giving gifts. Gifts to Give If You Have a Little Cash 1. Share your school pride. Swing by the campus bookstore for some mom-themed school paraphernalia. See if you can snag one of those [your university name here] Mom T-shirts or sweatshirts so she can show off how proud she is to have a kid in college. 2. Go with a classic. Send her a bouquet of her favorite flowers, or incorporate that flower into a more affordable arrangement. You can find an online seller or contact a local florist in your hometown, and be sure to ask if they offer a student discount or have a promo code for first-time buyers. Keep at mind prices might spike during times of high demand (like Mothers Day), so consider sending hers a few days early. Youll save some money while still letting her know you care. 3. Show her how generous she taught you to be. If your mom has a favorite charity, make a donation in her name. Not only is it thoughtful, its budget friendly because you can choose to donate however much you can afford (and you dont need to tell her how much you spent). Gifts Even Broke College Students Can Afford 1. Say thanks. Take a picture of yourself holding a big piece of paper or poster saying THANKS! in front of your school. You can put it on the front of a homemade card or put it in a frame. 2. Give her your time. Make a coupon redeemable for some quality time together when youre not in school. It can be good for a cup of coffee, lunch, dinner or dessert - your treat, of course. 3. Give her something shes given you. Offer to make her a homemade dinner when you get home. Even if youre just learning to cook or are limited in the kitchen, there are plenty of easy recipes for college students you can try. At the very least, shell appreciate the effort. 4. Take some time to write down your thoughts. It can be really hard to find the perfect card in a store, so make one yourself. Most moms would rather have an original, sincere, handwritten card than another generic gift anyway. 5. Pick up the phone. Dont forget to call! If you have room to improve in the call Mom department, consider giving a gift of setting a weekly phone date for you two to check in with each other.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Sainsbury Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Sainsbury - Assignment Example However, the major success factor of the company is its effective value chain framework that ensures long-term sustainability and profitability for the company (Sainsbury Plc, 2014). Notably, the company has fully automated depots in its inbound logistics which further depicts the extensive use of IT in its business operations. This not only enhances the operational efficacy of the company but also results in establishing it as one of the competent business unit in terms of implementing and utilizing IT (Sekhar, 2009; Clark, 2004). The operations of the company are conducted in a three store formats which includes the local, regular and the central domain. The company has more than 500 local stores operating in the UK that has diverse branding approach and fascia. The central formats are used for the stores of the company which are small to medium in size and operate in the center of the city. Apart from the regular products, the company also sells some specific mainline brands through its stores in the UK market (Prezi Inc, 2014; Khosrowpour, 2004). The outbound logistics of the company includes two picking centers and it follows a warehousing model. The aim of this model is to establish dedicated picking centers in the UK with the aim to enhance the delivery of its products and services to the urban area further expanding their services to new potential customers. Notably, the company has faced immense competition from the rival supermarket chains which has forced it to develop effective strategies which can ensure the sustainability for the business. This has influenced the company to adopt the warehousing model (Prezi Inc, 2014; Khosrowpour, 2004). In the value chain domain of marketing and sales, the company targets both the customers including high income group as well as the potential buyers falling under the low income group. However, the company mainly focuses on providing high end products and makes a mark for itself in the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Human Resources NHS report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Human Resources NHS report - Essay Example They are providing emergency and urgent care services to the UK patients. The study will be identifying the job role that will be requiring more training and development. Male nurses in the minor injuries units of NHS are requiring highest training and development for obtaining idea on treatment skills. Moreover, the study will be focussing on the north east of the UK area like Newcastle area. Mainly the A&E centres of this area are having quite inexperienced male nurses thus waiting time increases in care set up. Training and development of male nurses will be increasing the efficiency of the overall NHS set up in the Newcastle area (BBC News, 2015). According to Nick Triggle, NHS Winter report of Wales outlined most number of waits in the year 2009. NHS introduced new nurse recruitment rules for the A&E centres in order to increase safety among the patients. â€Å"It is observed that almost 92.4% of patients were treated in the trauma centres and A&E centres during the year 2009, where as, NHS targeted to treat at least 95% of the cart seekers (BBC News, 2015)†. â€Å"Major decline in the service provision started from the month of October of 2009. Such declining mode resulted into lowest levels of service traits during the year 2010 (BBC News, 2015)†. â€Å"During the time of January 2010, performance of the A&E centres reported as less than 87% of the capacity level. During the time, it was observed that only 29 among the 140 major hospitals under NHS reported that they were able to meet expectation of the care seekers (BBC News, 2015)†. Such care and trauma centres are providing the services like minor injury units and walk-in centres which increase the ability of health care services (BBC News, 2015). However, the statistics are showing that the target was set 95% of the patient’s capacity. â€Å"Actual scenario was outlining that only 88.5% patients are cared by the male nurses in Newcastle area (BBC News, 2015)†. In the NHS services
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Sociology Reflection Essay Example for Free
Sociology Reflection Essay It is through sociology that scientific study of the great social institutions and the relation of the individual to each is being made. The home and family ,the school and education,the church and religion, the state and government ,industry and work ,the community and association, these are institutions through which society functions. Sociology studies these institutions and their role in the development of the individual and suggests suitable measures for restrengthening them with a view to enable them to serve the individual better. The study of sociology helps us to know not only our society and man but also others, their motives, aspirations, status, occupations, traditions, customs, institutions, cultures etc. In a huge industrialized society, our experience is comparatively limited. We can hardly have a comprehensive knowledge of our society and rarely have an idea regarding other societies. But we must have some insight into an appreciation of the motives by which others live and the conditions under which they exist. Such an insight we derive from the study of sociology. Sociology is essentially the study of human interaction. With this in mind, you can apply sociology theories and ideas to any scenario of daily life dealing with person to person interaction or even to an individual in regards to the society. For example, when you meet with a friend you treat that friend a certain way. Your actions usually fall between the social norms of society. Meaning you wont be overly mean or overly nice to your friend. Relating to social norms is the idea of conformity. You may find yourself doing things you might not normally do just because others are doing it. A good example of this is sitting in a classroom and responding to a teacher’s question. If a teacher asks to see a show of hands of who agrees with a certain idea or thought and you go to raise your hand but you see that no one else has raised their hand, its likely that youll hold back and agree with the other side of the argument or not raise your hand at all. Well, everything takes place in a sociological context. When you are managing a company, you are managing people (employees and customers) and trying to meet needs and wants. Knowing about the groups you are dealing with helps you manage more effectively because you are more in tune with what people value and how they interact. These are group tendencies of course, and individuals will each bring their unique perspective. Business is constantly changing, effecting and influencing society on a daily basis. When I first studied Business I was drawn to studying the way decisions within a business could affect another business or other social institutions such as the family or education. I believe that despite the fact our society is technologically advanced, all businesses are reliant on positive, social interactions and because of this, businesses must nurture and protect their staff. Communication, interaction and positive social relations are key to a business being successful. The dynamic relationships between businesses and people and the effects these relationships can have, fascinate me.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Religion in August Wilsons Fences Essay -- August Wilson, Fences
In August Wilson's play, Fences, the character, Troy Maxson, is by no definition a religious man. He has created his own religion through his own philosophies, especially baseball. Sandra G. Shannon's critical analysis, "The Good Christian's Come and Gone: The Shifting Role of Christianity in August Wilson Plays," gives analogies for the way Troy deals with his own spirituality. It is agreeable that Troy, like other Wilson characters, deals with religion in his own way. Shannon asserts, "this cynical black man does not lay his burdens down at the church's altar. As is the case with each of Wilson's men, Christianity plays no role in Troy's search for comfort and direction" (382). Troy never does find comfort and direction, even in his sacred baseball. It could be that Troy finds his greatest solace in the blues. Shannon states that, through the blues, Troy feels as if he can communicate and heal his emotional wounds. Shannon explains Wilson justified the need for the blues in an interview with Bill Moyer. Wilson states, "The blues are important primarily because they contain the cultural response of blacks in America to the situation that they find themselves in. Contained in the blues is a philosophical system at work" (382). It is true that for Troy the two systems of the blues and Christianity can in no way co-exist with each other. It is also true that Troy does not openly disregard the church, but he does make it obvious in his own way that he is clearly an atheist. "While Christianity does not interest Troy, he adopts the game of baseball as a more relevant metaphor for his life" (Shannon 382). Shannon is totally right in the fact that Troy uses baseball as a religion. Shannon correctly states t... ...ation when such human substitutes are available" (Shannon 384). Shannon is correct in her thoughts about Troy and fulfilling his needs through other people. In conclusion, I believe Shannon makes her points strongly about Troy's aversion to Christianity. She sums up her assertions by stating, "When African American men like Troy did fall into the pits of depression, they did not reach for the Bible. They created their own convenient laws of behavior," (384). This is indicative of Troy in every way he deals with work, family, and death. I agree with Shannon in that Christianity knocks at Troy's door just like death, and he rearranges it to fit into his philosophies. Works Cited Shannon, Sandra G. "The Good Christian's Come and Gone: The Shifting Role of Christianity in August Wilson Plays." Contemporary Literary Criticism 118 (1999): 382-384.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Automobile in History Essay
The United States as a country was founded upon simple fundamental guidelines that have allowed for us to become a leading power in the world. These guidelines have been rapidly evolving and expanding to allow them to remain relevant in the world around us. An obvious example of this rapid change and adaptation is the introduction of the car into everyday American life. It is well known that cars were invented prior to the Model T, but the Model T was the first car capable of being mass produced and affordable to Americans with proper fiscal management (Kyvig 47). With this breakthrough by Henry Ford people were becoming more connected than ever and the manufacturing while simultaneously creating an entire new element in the world of business. Once the people were equipped with the ability to drive the nation forward in all regards, they did exactly that. With the mass production and use of the Model T the United States improved greatly within our own economy, leisurely drives and motor sports were derived from the traditional use of the car, and the car soon became a mark of status within American society. Starting in the late 1700’s, European engineers began tinkering with motor powered vehicles. Steam, combustion, and electrical motors had all been attempted by the mid 1800’s. By the 1900’s, it was uncertain which type of engine would power the automobile. At first, the electric car was the most popular, but at the time a battery did not exist that would allow a car to move with much speed or over a long distance. Even though some of the earlier speed records were set by electric cars, they did not stay in production past the first decade of the 20th century. The steam-driven automobile lasted into 1920’s. However, the price on steam powered engines, either to build or maintain was incomparable to the gas powered engines. Not only was the price a problem, but the risk of a boiler explosion also kept the steam engine from becoming popular. The combustion engine continually beat out the competition, and the early American automobile pioneers like Ransom E. Olds and Henry Ford built reliable combustion engines, rejecting the ideas of steam or electrical power from the start. Automotive production on a commercial scale started in France in 1890. Commercial production in the United States began at the beginning of the 1900’s and was equal to that of Europe’s. In those days, the European industry consisted of small independent firms that would turn out a few cars by means of precise engineering and handicraft methods. The American automobile plants were assembly line operations, which meant using parts made by independent suppliers and putting them together at the plant. In the early 1900’s, the United States had about 2,000 firms producing one or more cars. By 1920 the number of firms had decreased to about 100 and by 1929 to 44. In 1976 the Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association had only 11 members. The same situation occurred in Europe and Japan. The first automobile produced for the masses in the US was the three-horsepower, curved-dash Oldsmobile; 425 of them were sold in 1901 and 5,000 in 1904–this model is still prized by collectors. The firm prospered, and it was noted by others, and, from 1904 to 1908, 241 automobile-manufacturing firms went into business in the United States. One of these was the Ford Motor Company which was organized in June 1903, and sold its first car on the following July 23. The company produced 1,700 cars during its first full year of business. Henry Ford produced the Model T to be an economical car for the average American. By 1920 Ford sold over a million cars. It is a well known fact that the Model T was the byproduct of a much larger scheme; it was the first manufactured good that utilized the assembly line (Kyvig 78). The assembly line has proven to be one of the most significant factors in American manufacturing throughout time. This revolutionary introduction into the business world allowed for the expansions of industry into parts of the country it had never been able to touch before (American Decades 84). By incorporating these techniques into his company the term Fordinomics was coined (Anonymous 1). The implemention of this Fordinomics was simple focus on your small portion and in the end put it all together for cheaper and better quality (Anonymous 1). This specific assembly line allowed for two key components of the manufacturing market to be vastly improved in a very short amount of time. It can be observed that the more obvious of the two is the simple efficiency of the assembly line and much less strenuous work it brought. The other is the production of the car and its use in shipping efforts. Prior to this time shipping was solely in the hands of the railroad industry, but no longer. This monopoly that was broken by this introduction thrust the United States into a position of potential economic greatness. The greatness was achieved through thoroughly spread pockets of manufacturing in key cities around the country. Within this pockets were always massive urban centers to allow for the full potential of this newly discovered manufacturing style to be maximized (Kyvig 105). By implanting this new style into the heart of industry Americans were now receiving more steady incomes, thus allowing the purchase of more of the goods they themselves were producing. This style of production utilized first with the Model T was utilized by the United States military to amass more and more supplies for the armed forces. Throughout World War 1 the assembly line was utilized to quickly and efficiently resupply our overseas troops in the most cost effective way possible (American Decades 132). Henry Ford has single handedly thrust the United States into a position of opportunity through his ingenious style of production matched with the most basic form of the car. With the car now being used as a more practical tool rather than just a luxury available to the most upper class of people, it slowly became a necessity in the life of many Americans. The introduction of the car was not only beneficial to the American consumer, but to consumerism as a whole. It allowed for every aspect of consumerism to be fully maximized to every last detail from raw product to shipping the completed products across the nation. Today cars are what make coming and going from work, school, and other commitments possible for us in our lives, our ability to succeed as a country has been established through this tradition of motor vehicles that was instilled upon us by Henry Ford. When the car was made readily available to the American public they turned it into a form of entertainment. It began with the casual Sunday drives that most car owners practice once they were in possession of a vehicle (Hanss 2). These causal drives were established as an escape from what people were seeing every day, going ten miles from their home was uncommon prior to the introduction of the car. These allowed people to begin to be more ambitious in their opportunities to leave the traditional home and go out into the unknown world to fulfill their dreams. The dreams of people were more often than not farfetched and highly unlikely, yet they seemed to be sought after more than any other thing in America. The car was device beginning to be seen not only for its economic benefits, but for the simple joy that could be found within the fundamental concept of going faster than the human body is intended to. The first automobile race in the United States was held in Chicago in 1895 on Thanksgiving Day (Harding 39). This race was prior to the availability of a car to the common public solely due to too high of prices. Due to this beginning of racing before the access to cars was affordable for the common American family it can be assumed that the urge to own a car was heightened. Now the car has effectively proved to be another source of entertainment to the American people. With the taste of what a car is capable of doing the rapid expansion racing into an entire industry came shortly after. Soon after the end of World War 2 there were about six different types of cars dedicated to racing alone (Harding 135). The American people had found a very simple escape from everyday life in the form of watching races. There was something about the way the cars sounded, or the cheering of drivers that allowed people to make a connection with this new sport and become mesmerized by its blinding speeds and incredible skill set required. The infatuation with racing swept across the nation like something never seen before, and to this very day the affects of this infatuation can be seen in NASCAR and other racing based professional sports leagues in the United States (Benzkofer 1) The car originally intended as a tool, like a wrench of screwdriver, to simply accomplish tasks one cannot complete without the require tool has become a symbol for more than just that. The car was a sign of prestige and accomplishment coincided with a dose of arrogance that could not go unseen when talking in terms of someone else’s money (American Decades 84). With the use of the car as a sign of accomplishment and success came the need create images for celebrities and political figures to ensure they were valued, respected, and cherished. It was necessary to create these images to portray to the public the stability and prosperity in times of doubt (Kyvig 49). Your car was also the stamp given that labeled your mark in society, if you were in possession of a car prior to 1905 then you most likely were a wealthy person, but after the creation of the Model T it was much more common to see people in possession of vehicles thus creating a new way of judging and labeling each other. Throughout the life of vehicles there has always been a message sent to potential owners that the looks and appearance of the car is vastly more important than it actually is. Over exploitation of human nature to want to best has forced the car into a position of losing efficiency for trendy looks. By the 1940s there were hundreds of different makes and models to choose from (Harding 124). The plethora of decisions to be made during the purchase of a vehicle was absurd, from the color of the inner lining of the tires to the type of materials used to create the interiors of the car. The car had been developed into a device of status, income, and prestige in society rather the it’s intended purpose of being a tool that made basic jobs and tasks easier to accomplish. The automobile is arguably one of the most influential inventions to ever hit the United States. It brought with it several different political, economic, and social changes to society. Politically the car was a sign of power and accomplishment, without a beautiful car you were nobody. The development of the Model T and the assembly line thrust the United States into a manufacturing economy allowing growth and prosperity. With the introduction of higher speeds and travel came the leisure side of cars in racing. Racing was an outlet for many Americans when times began getting rough. In all, the automobile is a blessing bestowed upon the world allowing us all to advance and become more efficient in the way we conduct our lives. Word Count= 1957 Works Cited Anonymous, â€Å"Ford to Own Ships, Make Tires, Extend $5 A Day Schedule†in New York Times, 10 August, 1914. Dearborn Michigan, August 1914 Stephan Benzkofer, â€Å"Zoom Town†in Chicago Tribune, 12 September, 2012. Chicago Michigan, September 2012 Daniele Hanns, â€Å"Socioeconomic affects of cars in the 1950’s†Journal of Social/Economic History 2, no. 1 (2003) David Kyvig, â€Å"Daily Life in the United States, 1920-1940: How Americans Live Through the â€Å"Roaring Twenties†and the Great Depression†Library Journal 129, no. 12 (2001) Parker, Dorothy. American Decades: 1900-1909. 1st ed. 7. New York: Random House, 2001. Print. Harding, Elizabeth. â€Å"Henry Ford. †SIRS Decades. ProQuest, 12 Aug. 2006. Web. 28 Nov. 2012.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Accounting Is an Information System That Identifies
A objectives and the roles of financial accounting â€Å"Accounting is an information system that identifies, records, and communicates the economic events of an organization to interested users. †1. The basic objective of accounting is to provide information to the interested users to enable them to make business decisions and â€Å"Financial statements are the primary means of communicating financial information to parties outside the business organization. †2. Moreover, accounting can give the essential information, especially for the â€Å"external users, is given in the basic financial statements: Profit and loss statement and Balance sheet. 3 On the other hand, accounting can give addition information to the internal user: for example the marketing managers, the supervisor of production, finance directors, and the officers of company. Now, I would like to discuss the people who are using the financial reporting. I had said this on the the above paragraph. There a re external and internal users. First, I would like to introduce the external users. Investors or those owners will be examples of external users. They need to rely on the financial accounting report to make a correct decision to buy, hold or sell stock.And other external user will be the creditors. Suppliers and bankers for examples. They use the financial report to calculate the chance of giving credit or borrowing cash. The supplies and bankers will ask some questions: â€Å"Is the enterprise earning satisfactory income? †or â€Å"Is the company profitability when compare with the competitors which are in the similar size? †or â€Å"Will the company get enough ability to pay its? †. All the question can be answered by the financial report. Therefore, the financial report gives a strong confidence to those supplies and the bankers.Furthermore, taxing authorities will be another external user. Because of the IRS(Internal Revenue Service), need to find out whe ther the companies obeys â€Å"the tax laws. Regulatory agencies, for instances the securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Trade Commission, want to know whether the company is operating within prescribed rules. †4 Customers will be another external user. Through the financial report, Customer want to know information about the endurance of an company, especially when they want to have a long term investment with company.The Government will be another external user. Why I say so? This is because governments want to know the distribution of financial resource. Moreover governments want to know the company’s activities. Governments need addition information to handle the financial activities of company. The last but not leash external user will be the public. The companies influence the public in many different channels. For instance, companies will make a lot of economic contribution to the society. There are a lot of person who are employed be the company. Financial statements may assist the public by providing information about the trends and recent developments in the success of the company and the range of its activities â€Å"5. Another external user will be the Lenders. Lenders will want to know information that let them to find whether their loans, and the interest attaching to them, will be paid when due. At this time, I would like to introduce the internal users of accounting information are managers who plan, organize, and run a business. These include a lot of person. First, Employees want to know information about their job.The stability and profitability of their employers. This is because employees want to know about whether their employers can sustain their salaries. They are want to know information which let them to enjoy the ability of the company to provide retreat benefits and employment opportunities. Of course the manager will be another internal user. This is because manager needs to relay on the financial accou nting report to set up the policy of the company. They need to base on the report to find out the profitability. Is the profit can sustain the whole company?Through the report, the manager can change the policy of the business company in order to gain the highest profit, for example, change the supplies which are in a lower cost. The role of financial reporting is to tell those stakeholders about the financial position and the condition of the economic unit or a business company. Because of financial report provides the information, stakeholders can make decisions about future investments Financial reporting is critical in making effective stock investment decisions. When the people do not read the financial report, his or her investment will become a gambling.The financial report includes the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, retaining earning statement and financial position statement. Combining all of them, will give you a clear image of the financial conditio n of the company. In order to deduce the future of the companies. I think finance market needs financial reporting. However, before my discussion, I want to introduce what is finance market first. â€Å"A financial market is a market in which people and entities can trade financia:6 source of value at low transaction costs and at prices that reflect supply and demand .As I mention before, financial reports give the financial information to all the people in the financial market, such as supplies, the lenders and shareowners. Therefore, the financial report is necessary for the financial marketing. As far as I am concerned, financial market is a fair place for trading the economic materials. Financial report will become the reference for those enterprises which ready for trading so that the enterprise can find the most suitable one for trading. Through the economic material trading.This can make the financial market more sustainable due to the cash flow through the market. At last, as I said this before: financial accounting report show all the details of the financial position of the company: The revenue and the expense. Therefore, the company can get the information about the place where the cash spend on. Thus, the company can check out whether the allocation of the resource and redistribute the resources efficiently. Take a easy example, when a company spend extra expense on their supply such as stationery last year.The company can spend less on it next year. And it is a sample but good example for the role of financial accounting to assist in efficient allocation. Reference:1. Accounting principles Weygandt Kieso Kimmel 2. http://memberfiles. freewebs. com/45/34/63343445/documents/Financial%20Accounting. pdf 3. http://dilipchandra12. hubpages. com/hub/Role-of-Accounting 4. http://www. ecampus. com/hospitality-financial-accounting-2nd/bk/9780470083604 5. http://www. ecampus. com/hospitality-financial-accounting-2nd/bk/9780470083604 6.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Role of ERP Systems in Managing Global Businesses
The Role of ERP Systems in Managing Global Businesses Introduction ERP systems are computer applications and management systems that integrate various business aspects and are used to manage resources, data, and functions (Buckley Casson, 2009). In essence, the ERP systems help to bring a seamless and robust system that supports business processes (Bouquet, Morrison Birkinshaw, 2009).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Role of ERP Systems in Managing Global Businesses specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In supporting business operations, global or multinational firms have invested immensely on ERP systems. However, varied opinions on whether ERP systems capabilities are aligned to helping global businesses needs have been donated. The other conspicuous concern relates to whether ERP systems can help multinational firms to achieve enhanced performance. Although considerable studies have examined the role of ERP systems in supporting global firms, there is still need to research the effect of these systems on the growth of global firms (Beard Sumner, 2004). A lot of literature has been delivered to exhibit the impact of alignment of ERP systems to virtual and international businesses. This paper advances the contribution of the current literature on the role of ERP systems in growth of global businesses. Realizing the requirements to have accurate information, many global firms have decided to align ERP systems with global businesses from which organizational success can be achieved (Beard Sumner, 2004). Discussion There is a growing acceptance of the use of ERP systems across sections of the business world, especially among businesses that seek to globalize. Proponents of ERP systems suggest that with the growing competition, businesses are supposed to develop business systems that will bolster their processes as they exploit new markets. In this paper, I seek to explore the role and the effectiveness of ERP systems in global businesses. Arguably, ERP systems, just like other applications, may have limitations. Integration complexities and high initial investment costs are some of the outright downsides of ERP systems (Beard Sumner, 2004). However, studies conducted on companies that have fully or partially implemented ERP systems reveal that such businesses have managed to canvas the market and penetrate external markets more easily than have businesses with traditional approaches. The linkage between Global businesses Global businesses are businesses that have multinational operations and transfer goods, services, information, skills, and capital across boundaries. These business formations have unique information needs because of their integrated operations in geographically dispersed business units. The need for virtual organizations to source accurate and timely information to enhance business processes has necessitated the use of ERP systems (Bouquet, Morrison Birkinshaw, 2009).Advertising Looking f or research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Since ERP systems are seamless, they allow information sourcing and operating in different time zones requires global businesses to deploy enterprise systems to manage their operations. Global businesses deal with different global cultures as they move toward profiting from their operations (Bouquet, Morrison Birkinshaw, 2009). In the effort to compete on the global platform, businesses conglomerate to form powerful business structures. However, these business units also need information systems as frontiers of global growth. Studies have shown that ERP systems help businesses to manage diversity (Beard Sumner, 2004). There is the need to establish accurate and timely information requirements that befit operations of global nature. As observed, the need to outsource consolidated information is an imperative aspect that global businesses are pushed to achieve. This is where the role of ERP systems comes into play. Clearly, the information required is massive and that traditional business strategies may fail to address challenges of accessing global enterprises (Beard Sumner, 2004). Enterprise Resource planning systems are management systems that enable businesses to have better international coordination, collaboration as strategies in the ambit of multination a business. The rising complexity in information needs of global businesses can be managed by the use of ERP systems due to the capacity of ERP systems to offer multi modular support system. Therefore, businesses, especially multinational and virtual organizations should envision robust capabilities suitable to manage virtual businesses. ERP systems have the capacity to offer an opportunity to arrive at tactical, operational and strategic decisions (Beard Sumner, 2004). Unlike traditional legacy, organizations deploying the regime of ERP systems are able to gather and ut ilize accurate information that can support the growth of businesses. Businesses that want to explore outside markets beyond country boundaries can decide to enter such markets through various strategies, including partnerships, alliances and mergers (Bouquet, Morrison Birkinshaw, 2009). Whether a business decides to take either of the above penetration methods, there is need to execute their techniques via feasible ERP systems. International organizations can use supply chains and third party businesses to approach businesses. ERP systems, according to supply chain professionals, integrate numerous supply chain units to derive business returns. In addition, businesses, with the help of ERP systems are able to support and enhance end-to-end business processes. These businesses have been found to support and coordinate business activities and track business-to-business (B2B) and business-customer (B2C) activities.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Th e Role of ERP Systems in Managing Global Businesses specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the current global markets, manufacturers are continuously faced with challenges of dramatic reduction in sales margins alongside rising customer expectations. Being a business that seeks to have a successful supply chain system, it is arguable that global firms have the duty to embrace information visibility. The information needs of global firms are different from firms that invest in local and regional markets (Buckley Casson, 2009). ERP systems have been viewed as necessary ingredients in scheduling customer needs and delivering goods and services in following modern business philosophies such as Just-in-time. The ability of these business units separated by a wide geographic divide to collect customer information, analyze and disseminate the information can be achieved though implementing progressive ERP systems (Bartlett Ghoshal, 2003). Integrated enterprise resource planning systems have the ability to help multinationals achieve effective and efficient production and delivery of goods and services. International businesses need to deploy systems that offer high visibility. ERP systems offer an incredible opportunity for global firms to have critical insight into globally competitive platform. ERP systems not only offer opportunities for business taking part in global operations beyond sheer management of operations. Savvy manufacturers and global units recognize the significance of integrated ERP systems in helping them realize their objectives and enable them create scenarios of effective response to the dynamics of global supply chain (Buckley Casson, 2009). ERP systems deliver seamless platforms that reorient such organizations to reduce their long-term IT costs. Global business units can achieve global visibility Achieving global visibility in a demand driven supply chain market is what many global firms are focused o n. In an age of tight competition and cost management, it is essential that manufactures optimize their resources as they continue to offer their unique goods and services (Bartlett Ghoshal, 2003). Businesses need to identify and make use of their inventory and information capacities to derive profits and remain relevant in the market. As businesses engage other partners through supply chain systems and third party logistics, ERP systems are strategic business systems that provide solutions to problems of information sharing between global business, suppliers and customers. Understanding where resources are located, businesses have deployed several technologies to streamline their business operations (Bartlett Ghoshal, 2003). However, research shows that these technology platforms can rely on the right ERP systems to meet the expectations of organizations and their customers. With integrated information systems, ERP systems also support relationships and alliances (Bergeron, Raymo nd Rivard, 2004). The capacity to collect and share large volumes of information between different business units via ERP systems has been cited as a core business factor of success.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The findings of the research conducted on the impact of ERP systems have supported previous studies that conceptualization and alignment of ERP systems capacities creates a ground for improved business performance. The findings of the study establish that each global firm has unique information needs and that ERP platforms have the capacity to support B2B relationships and the flow of information (Buckley Casson, 2009). Managing global performance Many firms have argued that ERP systems have provided actionable information to employees and partners of global business across the world to make viable decisions (Aberdeen, 2007). Through integrating data and providing global visibility, ERP systems can provide quick route toward reduced costs, advanced speed and transparency that aims to improve customer satisfaction. The bottom line is that modern ERP systems have evolved into operating platforms that continue to scale global competition (Bergeron, Raymond Rivard, 2004). ERP systems have become popular business trends among global business organizations that seek to achieve efficacious operations in an era of global business. According to Bergeron, Raymond Rivard (2004), 15 trillion US dollars worth of trade from goods and $3.7 trillion from services are exchanged across borders every day. Analysts suggest that these figures are bound to increase as many businesses continue to appreciate the need for seamless exchange (Aberdeen, 2007). The number of firms are getting into global business are definitely on the increase to take advantage of the opportunities available from global markets. Many reasons have been used to explain why businesses are rushing to employ ERP systems. Increased global demand for goods and services, reduced trade barriers and the need to form multinational alliances are some of the reasons firms are seeking to invest in global business. ERP helps to reduce the costs incurred by an organization in running global activities (Bouquet, Morris on Birkinshaw, 2009). Gone are the days when firms or businesses had to hire many professionals in order to perform technical works such as accounting and network administration. ERP system helps to synchronize all global units and departmental functions with the help of software alone (Bartlett Ghoshal, 2003). Conclusion A growing body of knowledge confirms that the growing competition demands businesses to develop business systems that will bolster their processes as they exploit new markets. In the effort to compete on the global platform, businesses conglomerate to form powerful business structures. However, these business units also need information systems as frontiers of global growth. Studies have shown that ERP systems help businesses to manage diversity. Through integrating data and providing global visibility, ERP systems can provide quick route toward reduced costs, advanced speed and transparency that aims to improve customer satisfaction. Additionally, businesses wit h the help of ERP systems are able to support and enhance end-to-end business processes. These businesses have been found to support and coordinate business activities and track business-to-business (B2B) and business-customer activities. ERP systems deliver seamless platforms that reorient such organizations to reduce their long-term IT costs. References Aberdeen. (2007). The role of ERP in globalization. Boston, Massachusetts: Aberdeen Group. Bartlett, C. A. Ghoshal, S. (2003). What is a global manager? Harvard Business Review, 81(8): 101-108. Beard, J. W., Sumner, M. (2004). Seeking strategic advantage in the post-net era: viewing ERP systems from the resource-based perspective. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 13(2): 129-150. Bergeron, F., Raymond, L. Rivard, S. (2004). Ideal patterns of strategic alignment and business performance. Information Management, 41(8): 1003-1020. Bouquet, C., Morrison, A. Birkinshaw, J. (2009). International attention and multination al enterprise performance. Journal of International Business Studies, 40(1): 108-131. Buckley, P. Casson, M. (2009). The internalisation theory of the multinational enterprise: A review of the progress of a research agenda after 30 years. Journal of International Business Studies, 40(9): 1563-1580.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Cruel But Funny Roommate Pranks
Cruel But Funny Roommate Pranks Even though April Fools Day is already over, it doesnt mean that playing college roommate pranks is forbidden. So, it doesnt matter if you and your roommate are enemies or best friends - pranking can be fun either way. Some of the following ideas are pretty cruel, so think twice before pulling them on your roommate as revenge might reach you very soon. #1 A Cream Cheese Deodorant Is your roommate a little sleepy in the mornings while getting ready for the day? If yes, it will be even easier for you to pull this prank. If you want to spoil your roommates morning, everything you need to do is to take out the deodorant stick from the packaging and replace it with any cream cheese. Just unscrew the stick from the base, carve the piece of cream cheese in the same shape to match a deodorant form. Insert the fake deodorant and screw it back so that it looks just like a regular deodorant stick. This one is harmless, of course, but might get a little messy so your roommate will have to spend more time in the bathroom before going to classes. #2 A Bold Toothbrush Toothbrush pranks are always funny and easy college pranks. This prank will do the best if it is played before your roommates date. Take his or her toothbrush and cut off all the bristles. Or you can also put some salt on the brush to give that strange salty taste to any toothpaste. #3 Spiced Food Are you annoyed with your roommate eating your food? Do you want to take your revenge and wonder how to prank your roommate without them knowing? Let him or her know about that by spoiling another dinner. Just cook dinner for yourself and add some extra-hot sauce to the leftovers. This way, you will know for sure if your roommate steals your food. If you want to make this prank a little crueler, hide the milk to make your roommate struggle longer. This is one of the classic April Fools Day pranks alongside a few others which you can learn from our article. #4 Caramel Apple Who doesnt love caramel apples? Your roommate wont resist having one when seeing them freshly cooked on the table. But what your roommate doesnt know is that there is a big and juicy onion under the caramel layer. Bon appetit! Be sure to catch the reaction of your roommate at this precious moment as the shot of it might become a new meme. By the way, have you already checked our list of the best college memes? #5 A Little Late Are you looking for some ideas of funny pranks to do at home at night? This prank can ruin the whole day of your victim, especially if he or she has some important plans for the day. Just set all of your roommates clocks one or two hours ahead, making him or her be late for a job interview or classes. Too cruel! You can also set multiple night alarms to make your roommate wake up every hour or so and spoil his or her sweet dreams. Especially good for annoyingly snoring roommates. Do you need more prank ideas? Then check out our list of the best pranks that you can play on your college friends. #6 Thirsty? Many students wonder â€Å"How to prank a bad roommate?†Well, if you are in the middle of the war with your roommate, then you will totally find the following pranks suitable. If your neighbor loves drinking right out of the bottle, you can take advantage of that. The first thing that you can do is to add some little marshmallows into the milk carton before your roommate is going to drink it. This will feel just like the lamps in curdled milk. Seeing the disgust on the face of your victim at this moment is priceless. The second prank can be played with orange juice. Just fill the empty bottle from orange juice with a mix of cheese powder from a mac and cheese box with water. The taste is going to be killing. #7 Oily Hair Bathroom pranks are the most common and mean roommate pranks. You can put a thin layer of toothpaste on the toilet seat or cover a soap bar with clear nail polish. These are just classic. But there is one more thing that you can do – replace your roommates shampoo with baby oil. It will be very hard to rinse it without a shampoo (make sure to take your shampoo bottle away). #8 Uncomfortable Bed Its very simple – just take a box of crackers, crumble them and spread evenly over the sheet of your roommate and under it. Even if your roommate notices the mess and gets rid of it, he or she will struggle with the leftovers of crumbs here and there in the bed for a long time. This is a great way to give a messy roommate a hint as this is one of the easiest pranks to pull on a roommate who doesnt clean. Leaving with a roommate might be a blessing but also might be a real struggle. Either way, a little bit of humor wont hurt. Did you like our list of pranks to play on your housemates? Be careful, as pulling one of them might become a beginning of the war between you and your roommate.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Language as a Reflection of Life, Power, Relationships and Self-Realiz Essay - 8
Language as a Reflection of Life, Power, Relationships and Self-Realization in Hurstons Work - Essay Example Though pegged majorly in search for love and personal identity, the author brings out other themes as closely interwoven with themes of gender and sexuality using language. The language of men and that of Janie and other women reflect different inclinations to societal approaches to its issues. This paper shall analyze, critique and discuss how language has been used to change the status quo or sustain it. The thesis statement shall be: Language, as used in Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God, is a double edge sword that has the power to effect both positive and negative changes. As the story begins, the author brings to the attention of the reader that the whole narration is based on a flashback. The major character is narrating her life to her best friend Phoeby in a friendly language between age-mates. Through that narration, her grandmother’s use of language depicts responsibility though stuck in the past. Nanny Crawford’s use of language may be seen to be overly restricted to safeguard her beliefs about life, which according to her, has to be defined through the prism of financial responsibility. She marries off Janie for two reasons after seeing her kiss Johnny Taylor. She persuades Janie into marrying the aged Logan Killicks. Her language as she admonishes Janie tells that her perspective about marriage is overly focused on life, family and stability as opposed to happiness. That is evidenced when she tells her that she should not let her down like her mother Leafy who deserted her. Her grandmother says, â€Å"So you don’t want to marry off decent like, do yuh?...Do you want to make me suck the sorrow yo’ mama did, eh? (Hurston 30)†One may also observe Nanny Crawford’s language, though a woman, depicts that belief that family relationships amongst married people should be safeguarded by all means. When Janie realizes that Logan was interested more in a farm assistant than in wife, she comes to lament to her grandmother Nanny Crawford about her marital issues.Â
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