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The lawful meaning of noble cause has verifiably been to some degree tricky and stands particular from any comprehension of good cause in a ...
Monday, September 30, 2019
Fahrenheit 451 “Comparison†Essay
Ray Bradbury’s novel, Fahrenheit 451, differentiates from the cinematic form of the novel directed by Franà §ois Truffaut in numerous ways. Bradbury states, â€Å"The movie was a mixed blessing. It didn’t follow the novel as completely as it should have. â€Å"It’s a good movie: it has a wonderful ending; it has a great score by Bernard Hermann. Oskar Werner is wonderful in the lead. But Truffaut made the mistake of putting Julie Christie in two roles in the same film, which was very confusing, and he eliminated some of the other characters: Clarisse McClellan and Faber the Philosopher and the Mechanical Hound.I mean, you can’t do without those! †Other than the characters in the story, including the score and alternate ending of the film, the movie was superlative. The characters in the story have precise roles and by leaving them out/altering them from the movie hinders the characterization and the originality of Bradbury’s novel. The maj or alterations in Truffaut’s film deals with the characters and their significance to the novel and movie. A change in his film was getting rid of the Mechanical Hound. In the 1950’s, Bradbury wrote the book in a futuristic perspective.Therefore, the Mechanical Hound could have been a little too high-tech for Truffaut’s 1960’s film and the reasoning for it being left out. However, Montag may have felt it necessary to have Mechanical Hound in the movie because it contributes to the futuristic look being portrayed in the novel. Another character that was totally left out of the film was Faber the philosopher. In the novel, Faber was basically a physical conscious of Montag’s. Some may see how Faber could have been left out of the film due to the little impact that he would have created in the movie.Although, Bradbury would consider him essential for the cinematic version of Fahrenheit 451 because certain events in the novel, such as reciting the poem s to Mildred’s/Linda’s friends, would’ve caused more trouble if Montag didn’t have Faber’s voice in his ear through the green bullet. Bradbury’s main concern about the movie involved Julie Christie playing the roles of Linda and Clarisse McClellan. In the movie, Truffaut casted Julie Christie as two completely different individuals, who in the book were different based on their age and personality.Truffaut possibly casted her in these two polar opposite roles to portray Montag’s feelings towards both of them. When Montag met these ladies, he saw that they were both energetic and lively, although, Linda had lost this trait after their marriage while Clarisse had still possessed it. Bradbury would find it necessary to cast two different ladies as these characters because of how opposite they were in their age, personality and style according to the book. While being interviewed, Bradbury mentions, â€Å"Oskar Werner is wonderful in the lead.†Werner did do Montag justice due to his impressive acting skills and his ability to play the role. Therefore, I can understand how Truffaut had casted these characters and the importance of the roles they play. Some of the positives things occurring in the movie were the effects of the film score and the alternate ending. Film score is original music written to specifically accompany a film. There is a distinct relationship between the mood and setting and the score of the movie.In the movie, whether it was a dramatic event or an action, such as the scene where the Salamander is racing to its destination, there is a soundtrack of sound effects or music that enhances the dramatic event or action. In the film, the ending didn’t completely match up to the book as Bradbury thought it would have. In the book, Clarisse was not a part of the ending of the book at all, but was rather killed off in the beginning of the book. The alternate ending in the film showed Clariss e meeting up with the book people also and not being killed off at any time.I find this alternate ending a pleasure rather than Bradbury’s ending because I don’t think Clarisse, the young, beautiful lady who questioned everything and actually took time to stop and look at her surroundings, should have just ended at the beginning. I liked the fact that Truffaut allowed her character to continue onto the ending of the movie. The alternate ending and the effects of the film score contained in Truffaut’s film added up with the initial plot of Bradbury’s novel conclude in a magnificent dramatic story that many would find interesting.The cinematic version of Fahrenheit 451, directed by Franà §ois Truffaut, and the written novel by Ray Bradbury are dissimilar in plenty of ways. Factors of the movie that Bradbury found enjoyable included the alternate ending, the great score, and Oskar Werner as Montag. Some aspects of the movie that he didn’t find pleasu re in were putting Julie Christie in two roles in the same film and the elimination of Clarisse McClellan, Faber, and the Mechanical Hound. Although Bradbury found various flaws in the film, I can conclude that considering the time the film was created and the point of view of the director, the film was an enormous success.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Project resource management
Project resource managementa)     Direct costs are the costs that are directly attributed to the cost of an activity. They are directly involved in the performance of such an activity. They include direct material purchases, direct labour cost and other direct costs, which can be attributed to a certain activity/ a process. Here, the direct cost includes, the cost of software, the cost of direct labour, force and other direct labour costs made on this project.Direct material purchasesCost of software $670000Cost of 6 [email protected] 3250 each is $19500Cost of backup software at $4500 each is $27000Direct labour (at $ 54 per labour hour)2 programmers each 40 hours is $43201 database manager for 60 hours is $32402 project analysts for 250 hours is $270001 operations analysts for 20 hours is $10801 interface manager for 20 hours is #10801 networking analysts for 50 hours is $2700Total of direct project cost is $(670000+ 19500+ 27000+4320+3240+27000+1080+1080+2700)Ge neral administration costs are the cost whose expenditure cannot be directly attributed to a specific activity. However, for this project, all expenses/ costs are manifested to be direct/ exclusively affiliated to the project hence they have not been featured in this projectb)     Time phased budget is plan of action, which shows various components of activities in an organizational project in relation to the various cost components. This can be illustrated asActivity                                      CostCost of software                           603000Maintenance of software              67000Serves                                            19500Backup software                            27000Programmers                                  4320Database manager                           3240Project analysis                              27000Operation analysts                          1080Interface                                          1080NetworkingÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â à ‚                    2700Total                                                755920c)       In determining this budget, the team had to use various sets of data. Firstly, the importance of market cost of software inputs was considered. In all cases, it’s important for an organization to estimate a budget using the actual cost of a product or a service. This will help to have an overview of the appropriate cost of these products or activities. Either, the financial outlay is an equally important variable to consider when approximating a budget. For the team, importance was therefore attached to the financial constraint, which could be used to finance the  project. Budgets are limited to a specific cost variable. Therefore, a person should always e nsure that he works out his budget within the limits of this financial constraint. (Hanniqan, Browne, 2000)d)        The accuracy of these estimates was influenced by many factors. Broadly, a number of risks can act to influence the accuracy of a budget. Firstly, market risks and uncertainties will act effect to a budget. At the market, are various sets of risks and uncertainties whose influence can highly affect the actual state of a budget estimate. These markets are such as the product, labour, and money markets. Within the product market are the various risks that work to bring disequilibria in the supply and demand of the goods and services. These changes are normally in abrupt/ incidental in their occurrence. With such market instabilities, the equilibrium state of the supply and demand is consequently affected. Previously, the stable interactive forces of the demand and supply help to determine the equilibrium quantities and prices. With the resulting trends of instabilities, such budget approximates (prices) will be destabilized which results into a varying state of the budgeted from the actual price of goods.The equilibrium state of the money market works to determine the stability in supply and demand for money. However, in case of instability within the economy, this equilibrium is affected resulting into a changing scale of the money supply and demand. Such a case will determine various states of a countries currency purchasing power (inflation and deflation).           For this budget therefore, its accuracy could be highly affected by the changing states of the money market (the effects of money supply and  demand on its purchasing power)An important factor within the project cost is labour. Labour supply and demand is a factor of consideration in approximating the budget. The price of labour can be affected by the changing states of the market supply and demand for labour. Such ch anges will affect the pay (wages) for labour within an organization. For this budget, the forces within the market could otherwise influence the labour cost. (Badiru, 1993)The priority concept could be of a high influence on the accuracy of the budget. Depending on teams understanding on the priority concept of various cost elements, accuracy would have been compromised in a case where the cost variable was entered in a biased manner. Some cost factors could have been assumed more important than others, which would not be the case.Different political risk variables affect the cost factors of budgets. This is where, various political shocks may act to affect the state in which various cost results of the market system would be. These are examples of the various government and political regulations that affect the costing system of various commodities and services. Different political risks also affect the purchasing power of the countries currency. The purchasing power of such a currency is an important factor in determining the accuracy of a budget. Since budget is a plan of expenditure for a certain amount of money, the allocation is however vulnerable to changes depending on the changing prices of the requirements of the budget. The approximate level of risk premiums and allowances allocated by the budget. For accuracy in budget, a risk premium is allowed that helps to capture any external shocks that would therefore affect the actual state of the budget. However, this depends on the interest of the budgeter with varying premiums levels for such different budgets. For each premium, the final accuracy is different in regard to how such premiums would be able to capture these external shocks.E) Before engagement into a budget exercise, the micro and macro factors should be considered. This is in the relevance of the issues that the project would have an influence at both within and outside environment. To this team, this concept application was not an exce ption. Within its micro approach, the team observed the influence of the project budget in relation to the external environment. It considered the various components that were to be related between the project and the entire national outlook as a whole. Since this is a hospital project, the broader community within the state will use it. The intensity of the project is depended on the scale of the service to be given as output by it. The scale of the project is been done in the recognition of the users to be served by the same. The material cost, the quality and intensity have also been subject to consideration in setting the budget.To the micro-level importance has therefore been importance in determining this project. The micro-level consideration has been through an analysis of the factors (in terms of facilities and resources) working within the hospital that depended of profit. Due to the variety of the resource factors, a specific size of a software project could only have bee n hoisted by the hospital facilities. With this aspect in mind, the project budgeting and evaluation has therefore been done with the hospital’s resource variable adequately in mind. The intensity of the facility affiliated to the project is in congruent to the holding capacity of the resources. This has been the team’s view of optimal resource allocations for most optimal benefits. With this concept therefore, the team budgeted the project with an understanding of the relative benefits that would come as service output of the project in relation to the resources. Lack of optimal costing would lead to lower service output of the project in relation to the cost input. (Martin, 2002)Lack of optimal costing would lead to lower service benefits given out by the project. Either, resources include the holding capacity of the hospital facilities. Importance has also attached to the purchase of project inputs that would adequately lead to a maximum output, efficiency, quality and fast data processing by the software project.f) Within the project were a number of constraints that were highly affecting its efficiency. Basically, the constraints fall both within macro and micro level of the project. Firstly, the hospitals resources constraint was all an important constraint of consideration. The team understood that any un-optimal allocation of the project that would not concur with the project resource capacity was costly. This was the firstly consideration within the teams budget schedule for the project. In its understanding therefore, it felt that any un-optimal project expenditure was highly risk for its future benefits. Considering this however, the allocations were done in accordance to the prevailing resource situation of the hospital.Either, financial constraint fetched an important factor in consideration to the cost expenditure for the project. On recognizing the limited supply of the finance for the budget, the allocation were done on priority m anner, with the most important cost factor been employed. Sourcing of material and other projects costs were budgeted in correspondence to the most economical purchasing costs for these variables. Costing is done on the cheapest scale possible through the most quality manner.With the impact of both the market and political risks factors as constraints in consideration, the team could not compromise on their priority. To the team, these risks played an important role in determining the accuracy of the budget plan. It therefore employed various risk premiums and allowances as a variable to capture the external shocks that could be on influence to the structure of the budget. Within their budget scheme therefore, a miscellaneous cost variable could not have been left out whose importance was to cater for any changes in the exact cost perimeter of project cost.References:Hanninqan, C & Browne, M (2000) Project Management : Going the Distance.Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â à ‚                      International Journal of Instructional Media, Vol.27Badiru,A(1993) Qualitative Models For Project Planning, Scheduling and                 Control.Westport,CT: Quorum Books.Martin (2002) Managing Projects in Health and Social Care. London: Routledge.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Organisational Change Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 2
Organisational Change Management - Essay Example An act that has seen it do quite well in maintaining competitive position in the face of growing competition. However the impact imposed on the company by the recent economic intrigues has made the management to rethink on the strategic planning to keep the company afloat by reducing cost as quickly as possible to enable its survival. It is with this in mind that the management has resolved to stop producing some components in its line of production and concentrate on the production of other components on fewer more promising sites. A decision that the subordinates are yet to know as it is only discussed by a few senior managers of the firm. The new plan as decided by the senior staff will involve the expansion of the company’s main firm at Blois, France. This is because the plant at Blois has the most advanced technological advancements in terms of manufacturing and the factory is not yet working to capacity thus, increase in production at Blois is projected to produce a redu ction is cost. The UK based factory is set for closure because it is considered as having relatively more outdated manufacturing technologies as compared to the other sites. Consequent to these new strategies, the employees and stakeholders in the UK manufacturing facility are bound to be baffled by the news since, according to them; they expected a major boost and development in their plant. Besides, the closure will lead to redundancies and lack of or minimal opportunities for redeployment and access to alternative jobs since only one group of the technicians is encouraged to move to Blois. Other impacts such as the loss of the an international and vital market at Didcot, failure of the development engineers to relocate and a fear of job insecurity among the employees in the other factories based in Spain and France are inevitable once this new strategy has been announced. Definition In the D2 case it is important to note that organizational change is required. This is as seen by the dwindling income from the plants put in place by the firm at various sites. The economic trends and the problems it has brought have been dealt with through application of proper change in the operations and productions. The economic recession that has led to the reduction in the profits and returns that the company was making prior is considered as an environmental pressure that forces the management and leadership to come up with a change plan in a bid to allow the company to survive. As a result of this environmental pressure, which is the major problem facing the firm, it is forced to find a way of reducing the amount spent servicing one branch(UK branch) that does not seem to promise good returns hence high costs yet low returns. Therefore, one great challenge for the firm is to find a way to curb the problem of high cost which is an environmental pressure (Barnes, 2004). The management on its part has decided on closing the UK-based factory due to its inability to produce the required threshold. Another issue notable in the D2 case is the leadership and management. This is a very important aspect of a company that requires proper and careful consideration in the organizational change. The leaders and mangers in the organization are like the drivers of the vehicle and determine where it goes depending on how they choose to deal with the situations that arise and require an action of change within the company
Friday, September 27, 2019
Wal-Mart and the UFCW (labour relations) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Wal-Mart and the UFCW (labour relations) - Essay Example to close its stores in locations where workers struggle to gain the support of labor unions, moving to court to oppose the actions undertaken by unions, conducting public relations campaign on its website, and replacing workers who act against the company. The company uses all these strategies so that it can continue paying workers low monthly wages and low compensation for over time. While the firm opposed labor unions in Saskatchewan, it faced legal, social, and political environmental factors. The company opposes the entry of its workers in trade unions to prevent the unions from representing employees and bargaining for higher wages and over time charges. For example, the company opposed the certification of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW) in Saskatchewan, in 2004. The union applied for certification with the Saskatchewan Labor Relations Board (Vance, & Paik, 2011). The board ordered Wal-Mart to provide the union with the relevant documentation. However, the managers of Wal-Mart filed an appeal with the Supreme Court of Canada, and this delayed the certification of UFCW. In 2009, Wal-Mart appealed against a court order that granted UFCW the certification to represent the employees of the company (Hamilton, & Webster, 2009). This led to the withdrawal of the certification in June, in the same year. While still opposing the certification of trade unions in court, the company also instills fear in employees by threatening to close its stores. Such a thre at triggers workers to restrain from supporting trade unions so that they can retain their jobs. The company threatened to close one of its retail outlets in Quebec, in North America because the workers of the store had signed an agreement with a trade union that had lasted for four months (Lewin, Kaufman, & Gollan, 2011). The company also threatens its workers that it may replace them whenever they act against the aims of the organization (Mattera, 2013). Since this means that workers lose
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The Great Gatsby Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
The Great Gatsby - Essay Example Therefore, the story symbolizes the 1920s America with more focus on the collapse of the American dream in an era of extraordinary prosperity and material excess. Fitzgerald depicts the 1920s as a period of decayed social as well as moral values supported by the empty pursuit of pleasure, overarching cynicism in addition to greed. For instance, â€Å"Tom was evidently perturbed†¦Saturday night. He came to Gatsby party†, â€Å"†¦it stands out in my memory from Gatsby’s other parties that summer (Fitzgerald 67). The parties actually resulted in the corruption of the American dream. This is because the uncontrolled desire for pleasure and money exceeded more righteous goals. Jordan in the story admits loving big parties, â€Å"Anyhow he gives large parties†, â€Å"And I like large parties†(Fitzgerald 45). Gatsby never bothered sacrificing his life and reputation in order to secure wealth thereby being in a position to marry Daisy. The ladies while moving close to Gastby’s house assert that he is a bootlegger, â€Å"He’s a bootlegger†(Fitzgerald 53). Moreover, Buchanan’s passion for wealth, pleasure, and money drove her into marrying Tom. For instance, in the book, the author asserts, â€Å"she wanted her life shaped now, immediately – and the decision must be made by force – of love, of money †¦with arrival of Tom†(Fitzgerald 96). After the end of the World War I in 1918, the generation of the youthful Americans who had participated in the war became intensely disenchanted and hopeless. The atrocious carnage they had experienced had eroded the Victorian social morality of the early twentieth century since America appeared stuffy and full of empty hypocrisy. The shaky rise of the stock market in the aftermath of the World War resulted in a sudden and sustained rise in the national wealth coupled with newfound materialism. This is because individuals began to use and consume at exceptional levels. For instance,
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Accounting Book Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words
Accounting Book Report - Essay Example The text has occupied the number one selling slot for a long time on the topic. Now in its 10th edition, the text contains a wealth of conceptual analysis of the International Financial Reporting Standards foundations. Finally the 6th edition of Gray’s and Black’s text primarily treats international corporate strategies along with an emphatic analysis of decision making in an ever increasingly complex international environment of corporate culture. They delineate international accounting standards and practices in a vivid manner so that cultural factors affecting international standards are lucidly explained with IFRS framework as the basis of reference. This edition with Black as co-author has set a new standard in the international financial accounting sphere. The book International Accounting: A Global Perspective by Iqbal, Melcher, & Elmallah provides the reader with a detailed analysis of international accounting principles and then extensively discusses international issues relevant to accounting and finance. Its global perspective analysis cuts across international barriers to achieve a well balanced overreach in international accounting. The book contains very incisive perspectives on the global market place free from prejudice and bias. While its strength concerning elucidation and enlightenment lie in the global culture approach, there is also an additional advantage associated with its treatment of international accounting as a more diverse professional study. (b). Managerial accounting consists of budgeting, costing, foreign investment analysis, transfer pricing, performance evaluation and control, operational auditing, information systems and foreign exchange risk management. Though international finance also receives a fairly enough percentage of analysis in the book, the subject is confined to multinational organizations’ operational bases and not to the overarching domain of
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Recommend the ideal country in Latin America where Intel should open Assignment
Recommend the ideal country in Latin America where Intel should open its manufacturing plant, based on the evidence in the case study - Assignment Example However, as only one country needs to be chosen, Intel should consider the benefits and risks associated with manufacturing and operating in either of these countries. It should be noted that Intel's main concern in opening a microprocessor manufacturing plant in Latin America is to strengthen its position in the global market. The rationale of choosing a Latin American country is to distribute risk as it already has a number of production plants in Asia. Also, the preference of a Latin American country is its proximity in the US where the microprocessors will be shipped. Most importantly, Intel is also aware of the more intense rivalry between players in the global market which significantly drives down the price of microprocessors. The company is very concerned with finding a possible way of reducing the cost of production in order to offer the final products at a more competitive rate. Aside from these considerations which were directly mentioned by Intel, the case also developed the idea that the company prefers a country where its expatriate employees who will be in operation and supervision of the manufacturing plant during the start-up stage will be comfortable in the selected site. Also, Intel also explicitly stated its preference for a deal which is done in a transparent and legal way. Intel strongly opposes "special deals" or "special incentives" as it will post problems for the company in the future. 4.0 Alternatives As stated above, four countries which include Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica and Mexcico were short listed as the preferred locations. The appendix summarized the result of the research and on-site visit of the site selection team. In terms of workforce availability, all the countries under consideration satisfy Intel's requirements except Costa Rica which still needs further training. It should be noted however, that labor cost in Chile is relatively higher. Costa Rica is the best choice in terms of labor unions and regulations as all the other countries mentioned are significantly unionized. Infrastructure and transportation are excellent and impressive in Chile, Brazil, and Mexico. Though Costa Rica's land transportation is fine, regular flights which are imperative in Intel's operations are lacking. Electricity is cheapest in Mexico at $0.02. As Costa Rica is very much eager to capture huge foreign investments, the government provides various exemptions in terms of tax holidays and discounts. All the other countries are hesitant in giving investment incentives. Expatriates are seen to be better off in Costa Rica and Mexico. Operating in Brazil will require huge taxes while the distance from US and Chile is a concern. 5.0 Recommendation Based on the discussion above, this report recommends that Intel locate its microprocessor manufacturing plant in Costa Rica. This decision is based on the fact that the country has a stable political environment, low level of corruption, attractive investment incentives, and a government which is willing to comply with Intel's requireme
Monday, September 23, 2019
Lessons from the Titanic. How the lessons learned from the sinking of Essay
Lessons from the Titanic. How the lessons learned from the sinking of the liner Titanic can be applied to modern projects - Essay Example The sinking of Titanic in Atlantic on 14 April 1912 resulting in death of 1502 passengers is remembered as one of the deadliest peacetime maritime disasters in modern history. The purpose of this dissertation is to review the historical project of constructing Titanic for operational use. The project also aims at analyzing the reasons from the perspective of project management that led to failure of this huge project of its time and applying the lessons learnt to modern day projects. The research on the subject is mainly based on extensive review of available literature, for which a variety of the references including but not limited to the internet resources only were consulted. In this dissertation two pronged approach was used for research methodology: technical investigation and project management. Titanic Project was studied and analyzed from the perspectives of both technical blunders and project management failures from its conception to operations. The technical investigation methodology aimed to find out the technical and operational reasons for the sinking of the Titanic. Project Management methodology used information from technical investigation to analyze the reasons of failures from the project management perspective and develop an analogy to modern Project Management practices and standards in an attempt to identify the actions that could have prevented the disastrous occurrence. From a technical view point, over confidence in the invincibility of the Titanic led to number of critical compromises like selection of inappropriate material for ship hull, height of bulk heads and changed engine configuration during the design and construction phase of the ship since the team believed that altering the original pans would not affect the safety features of the ship. Besides, compromises were also made during the testing phase of the Titanic where only partial testing was carried out trusting the track record of Olympic liner as excellent, which was not the actual case. From the project management point of view, the major element that was missing from the Project plan of Titanic was risk management. Much efforts were laid to precisely define the functional and nonfunctional requirements; however, more emphasis was laid on functional requirements on the cost of compromising the non-functional requirements. These compromises resulted in risks to the project which were neither identified nor planned for mitigation. Ignoring these risks during the design phase led to the sinking of the Titanic ship. Risk mitigating actions could include introducing double hull, compartmentalization and raising the height of bulkhead, and incorporating and balanced keel for such a large size ship to protect against the wave capsizing. Studying the successful projects can help project managers to apply the common experiences to the new ones, and learning from the failed projects can help to avoid the similar mistakes from recurring. In this report, less ons learned from failure of Titanic were analyzed in analogy with the modern project management practices and were studied for application to present day projects. Table of Contents Chapter Title Page 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Overview of the Project Titanic 1 1.2 Aims and Objectives 3 1.3 Scope and Limitations 6 1.4 Dissertation Layout and Approach 6 1.5 Summary 7 2 Methodology 8 2.1 Research Methodology 8 2.2 Key Research 9 2.3 Referencing Sources 12 2.4 Methodology for Analysis 13 3 Review and Analysis 15 3.1 Historical Facts
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Sexual Harassment in Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Sexual Harassment in Organization - Essay Example In today's world, organisations and workplaces have become extremely diversified and have adopted varied stance s in terms of job processes and the general outlook. What is striking in such a scenario, is the prevalence of organizational or work ethics. In today's workplaces, harassment has become a very repetitive occurrence, with cases being reported every now and then. The various forms of harassment range that come under the purview have increased by the day, with sexual harassment topping the list. The issue came to the fore-front, in the 1970s and ever since, a number of committees, benches and organisations have come into the picture, to outline the relationship between work ethics and harassment. Sexual harassment as an abuse of power has become front-page news in the U.S. business press. Recently, BusinessWeek detailed the sexual harassment endured by salespeople at the U.S. subsidiary of Astra AB, a major Swedish pharmaceutical firm (Maremont 1996). This harassment was perpetrated by people at the highest levels of the organization and salespeople who did not comply found life at the firm extremely difficult. The attention to workplace sexual harassment generally focuses on harassment of employees by others within the same firm. [Insights into Sexual Harassment of Salespeople by Customers: The Role of Gender and Customer Power Leslie M, Fine, C. David Shepherd and Susan L. Josephs] When workplaces become diversified and new parameters of work assessment emerge, it is important to maintain workplace ethics. However, when cases of favourtism and sexual harassment emerge, it certainly goes against what is legally permissive in the ethical nature of actions in workplaces. It becomes difficult when talented individuals are put down, on account of the sexual favours received from other quarters. Besides this, when bosses do harass their subordinates and the like, it goes against moral codes of conduct. Organisational Behaviour is often considered at four different levels. Individual Behaviour, which deals with the single fundamental unit of the organisation, talks about the individualistic perspective. It revolves around an individual's perceptions, actions, notions, temperament and contribution to the organisation. At a higher plane, we have the Group Dynamics, that involves interactions of a group. It is inclusive of team work and team-bonding, while also delving into the nature of interactions, inter-group interactions, departmentalization and the like. An organisation can also be demarcated in terms of the diverse processes and the clubbing of groups under processes that are more or less the same. This is precisely the reason why we have various groups coming under one process, say, Marketing or HR, and working in synchronization within the department, and with the other departments as well. The organizational structure is another concrete player, which is characterised by the hierarchal set-up of the
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The wider events of he Crucible Essay Example for Free
The wider events of he Crucible Essay Furthermore, Johns power within the town (and his rebellious attitude) could be likened to that of extra salt in a pot, spicing up the broth; moreover, this line foreshadows Johns impact on the trials later on in the play: his confession to lechery, admittance that he saw the boots of Lucifer and accusation that the court is pulling Heaven down and raising up a whore These actions undermined the authority of the court and so greatly influence Salem; the theme of trial is also prevalent in The Crucible and the actions John Proctor takes in standing up to the court loosely reflect Arthur Millers denouncement of the House of Representatives Committee on Un-American Activities . In reference to the title of the play, John Proctor putting more salt into the stew is analogous to his actions stirring up the situation in Salem, which can be likened to that of a crucible- a melting pot used to remove impurities from precious metals. Additionally, Johns relationship with Elizabeth is symbolic of the towns puritan culture; it is very mundane and based upon stringent Christian morals. The act of John adding salt to a brand broth indicates his need for a more exciting and zestful relationship- which John finds in Abigail Williams. Elizabeth Proctor is the victim of the sins perpetrated by John and Abigail, and though she is a pious and devout Christian wife she is not wholly innocent and is partially to blame for the deterioration of her marriage. One of the themes throughout John and Elizabeths marriage is that Elizabeth is very cold towards John and that it is this sternness which drives John to Abigail; Miller uses the pragmatics of words to convey this feeling, with phrases such as You ought to bring some flowers into the house and It is winter in here yet Miller demonstrates that John feels that Elizabeth has been cold to him and wants to tell her this- yet cannot, because he doesnt want to anger her (I mean to please you, Elizabeth); he also uses this dialogue to indicate the general atmosphere of Salem as a whole, full of deceit and small talk to mask over the insecurities and sins beneath. John desperately craves forgiveness from Elizabeth and she must absolve him, (because divorce was unthinkable in a deeply religious town such as Salem) but she finds it hard to forgive him because he has committed Adultery, one of the ten commandments and therefore highly important to a devout Christian, and because he has further de nted her self-esteem I counted myself so plain, so poorly made, no honest love could come to me! by sleeping with another woman. John, however, is not the cause of Elizabeths low self-worth- the repressive nature of Salem is. In Salem, women arent allowed to express themselves, which leads to two extremes: one extreme is the kind of wild exhibitionism expressed by Abigail, Tituba (and various others) at the beginning of the play; or the other extreme of self-repression and not letting your true feelings be known, like Elizabeth. Without the ability to experience the things teenagers go through during pubity, Elizabeth is led to believe that no man finds her attractive and doesnt know how to trust them. Ergo, when John has an affair Elizabeth doesnt know how to forgive him and so Miller uses language to make their relationship seem like a trial, with phrases such as Oh, Elizabeth, your justice would freeze beer! (Use of imagery) The magistrate sits in your heart that judges you (Use of metaphor) and You will not judge me more, Elizabeth. In Act 2, when the accusations are just beginning, and have not affected the Proctors, John and Elizabeth feel no passion in their marriage and are struggling to make it work- but as the hysteria escalates, the adversity draws them closer together and rekindles their love. This rejuvenation is foreshadowed by talk of spring in Act 2, and also hints at Elizabeths pregnancy, well see green fields soon. Massachusetts is a beauty in the spring; the reason Miller includes these phrases in the dialogue between John and Elizabeth is to show that John wants a fresh start and is also literally looking forward to the spring time, as well as to provide clues for the audience as to what will happen later in the play. In Act 3, both John and Elizabeth show great courage and both do it to try and do what is best for each other- John confesses to lechery in a bid to discredit Abigails accusations and save his wifes life, even though doing do will ruin his good name and lead to a bad reputation in Salem; Elizabeth lies about Johns infidelity in an act of loyalty to her husband because she wants to protect his good name, even though she is a pious woman and by lying she is committing a grave sin, God damns all liars this shows Elizabeth values her husband more than her God. This scene is ironic because though both John and Elizabeth show great courage and loyalty, they damn themselves because John says that Elizabeth never lied and cannot lie, but she goes on to lie in an act of loyalty- even though telling the truth would have saved him from hanging. Reverend Hale sees that it is a natural lie to tell and that Elizabeth was just showing loyalty to her husband, but Danforth is too bigoted to see this, and is only interested in finding people guilty of witchcraft so he can exert his power. Miller clearly based Danforths character on Senator Joseph McCarthy to show that he sees McCarthy as a bigoted, power-hungry tyrant who is only interested in looking powerful and eliminating people who threaten his position. By Act 4, John and Elizabeth have become united through their ordeal and this is signified in their language, which is far more emotive, John says You are a marvel- Elizabeth, which shows that John is again madly in love with Elizabeth and wants to express how much he cares for her. The progression of their relationship is echoed by the development in the wider events of the story: Reverend Hale has denounced the court and is trying to save [Johns] life because damnations doubled n a minister who counsels men to lie; the people of Salem have started to rebel against the court you wander yet if rebellions spoke? Better you should marvel how they do not burn your province! and they have put a dagger in Parris door. It seems like Salem is being purified, much like gold in a crucible, and all the deceit and pretence is being washed away. Additionally, as the witch trials come to their conclusion, the trial within the Proctors marriage also comes to its resolution and this is the salvation John Proctor is searching for. Miller demonstrates this purification in Johns mind using stage directions, Elizabeth says I cannot judge you, John, there is a pause, and John says What would you have me do with the stage direction simply, a pure question; the word pure here indicates that John feels like he is close to redemption and this is confirmed when he says I would have your forgiveness, Elizabeth. Miller chose to make he dialogue which follows strikingly emotionally charged, because it is when John is finally given forgiveness, there are emotive stage directions such as he stands, as though with physical pain she is on the verge of tears and now pouring out her heart. There are many references back to the earlier themes in the play, of coldness and of trials; Elizabeth admits her faults suspicion kissed you when I did it were a cold house I kept!, gives John the forgiveness he craves, whilst referencing the idea of their relationship as a trial But let none be your judge I cannot judge you John, I cannot! I am not your judge, I cannot be (as though giving him release. ) and even asks for Johns forgiveness herself, forgive me, forgive me, John- I never knew such goodness in the world. The contrast in speech between act 2 and act 4 is staggering, whereas in act 2 John and Elizabeth exchanged pleasantries which cloaked their real feelings of uneasiness between each other, in act 4 they pour their hearts out and shower one another with compliments- it is a very beautiful passage made all the more precious by John Proctors impending death. Galvanised by his redemption and love for Elizabeth, John realises that the only way for him to truly forgive himself and appease the magistrate that resides within his own heart is to accept his hanging and make sure his name is not blighted by the cowardice of a false confession, How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name I do think I see some shred of goodness in John Proctor. Not enough to weave a banner with, but white enough to keep it from such dogs. The bravery John shows here is only possible because of the purification of his marriage and that his death would help cleanse the deceit and repression of Salem. The Proctors final act as man and wife is to share a kiss with great passion, exactly what was missing in their marriage after Johns affair with Abigail. Elizabeth speaks the final line of The Crucible and gives the audience closure on the literal witch trials of Salem, and her own personal trial within her marriage, and gives both herself and John the resolution they both desperately sought, He have his goodness now. God forbid I take it from him. In conclusion, The Crucible is an exceptionally nuanced play with myriad deep-rooted themes which can only be truly appreciated by absorbing every subtle word which Miller provides us with, and engaging with the pragmatics conveyed by either the actors reciting the play, or conjured by your own brain whilst reading. The Crucible works very well as an allegory for McCarthyism in America, beautifully juxtaposes the Seven Deadly Sins against the Ten Commandments and develops the story in parallel with the relationship of John and Elizabeth Proctor, whilst evoking a real sense of the social, historical and cultural climate of 17th Century Massachusetts. Above all, The Crucible is a fascinating and emotional play which was a pleasure to read and analyse. Kyle Sawhney Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Development of the Digital Camera
Development of the Digital Camera Introduction. Throughout the ages humanity has always been fascinated by the possibility of capturing moments or in other words perpetuating moments of high significance and outstanding beauty. This provided the opportunity to share something that nobody else has seen or perceived. This idea has made a long way from canvas-paintings to using cameras. Cameras, in their turn have also experienced a rather fast evolution and nowadays everybody has a notion of what a digital camera is and the majority of people use digital cameras. 2. What is a digital camera? According to a standard definition a digital camera is opposed to a film or video camera, uses an electronic sensor to transform images and video into electronic data[1]. Years ago people used to possess two different devices in order to take pictures and to make video. The need to spare space and make it more comfortable for people to do both things with higher quality results catalyzed the creation of digital cameras. The multifunctionalism of digital cameras and the combination of several devices in one make it the best possible choice for a modern man. For years a digital camera has been unaffordable for many families, nevertheless, nowadays the great variety of digital cameras of different manufacturers and diverse prices make a digital camera a potential purchase of almost every single family. The formula: price + quality = satisfied customer used by the digital cameras manufacturers is especially reflected in the wide choice of cameras that offer t he best quality standards for the price-range they belong to. 3. How to choose a digital camera? The transition of digital photography from the privilege of rich people to an ordinary home appliance has caused some problems. That is the reason a modern man has a set of questions concerning digital cameras, especially the whats, whys and wheres of digital cameras. Nobody wants to make a miscalculation! The basic problem in choosing a digital camera is a guarantee that the device you are purchasing will grow old in couple of month due to a constant improvement and development of the sphere. The only factor that may delay this process of growing old is purchasing a device with the price twice or three times higher of the average market price for a digital camera at the moment. If a person chooses a digital camera there are several criterions of a great priority he needs to keep in mind: price of the device, the image resolution of the camera, the capacity of the memory card, presence of a LCD-display, the interface of the camera, its weight and size. The price of a digital camera d epends on its quality factors. The resolution of a digital camera, or in other words the size of a digital image is measured in pixels. Pixels in their turn are photosensitive elements. It is common knowledge, that the bigger is the amount of pixels indicated in the camera properties the better it is. Therefore, if a high-detailed photo is required, the usage of zoom on a digital camera with small resolution will not give the desired result. In this case a person choosing a digital camera needs to exactly know what it will be used for and to choose it according to its future destination. It is necessary to mention that the resolution of 640x480 is the lowest resolution any customer should be orientated to. It is the minimal resolution with witch the purchase of a digital camera still remains reasonable. The lens of the camera or the zoom properties mentioned above allows saving a lot on the price of the device but hits the quality of the pictures obtained. The memory card is a very important issue, too. It is much better to choose a better camera with a lesser memory capacity than an overage digital camera with a larger memory capacity. The presence of the LCD-display is no longer a wish it is a requirement for any digital camera. It allows to choose the future image, to anticipate it and to delete bad images and therefore to save space. 4. The advantages of digital camerasAlong with some advantages mentioned above there are more to digital cameras than that. It goes without saying that it is possible to examine and sort out the images, create a slide show, a digital photo album, create a presentation on your computer, a ordinary TV or a multimedia projector. A digital camera offers the ability of sending images for printing directly to the printer with a DPOF standard or throughout the USB without using the computer. The images from the digital cameras may be sent throughout the Internet. For instance, it is possible to send images to colleagues, friends or relatives using e-mail. In the era of the constant lack of time this advantages become issues of the highest priority. 5. Affordability and manufacturers There is a plenty of digital cameras for sale in the price-range from $300 to $9000 and more. What camera would become the best choice? An ordinary digital camera with the price around $300 is suitable for everyday usage. So do not expect any super possibilities from a camera like that. The variety of manufacturers is very wide. Nevertheless it is necessary to mention the most popular brands among the customers. They are: Sony, Canon and Nikon. And some others: Casio, Fuji, HP, Kodak, Konica, Olympus and Pentax. The most popular digital camera nowadays is Sony Cyber Shot DSC-P150. 6. Conclusion Digital cameras find more and more place in the lives of contemporary people. Due to the comfort and quality of making images they are rightfully displacing ordinary old cameras from the market. After all, this is very simple: take the picture you want, connect the digital camera to your computer and open the boundless elbowroom of its opportunities. You may immediately print the images or by means of special programs make the images brighter, add shrill and so on. The quality of the images is much better than on the film cameras. Smart Media Card or Compact Flash memory cards store the images and do not let them to get old. Digital cameras are the right choice of the new millennium.
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